The Class Plastics Difference

Class Plastics are leaders in the field of plastic container manufacture and distribution. With over 20 years’ service in the creation of plastic containers, Daniel and Mario understand that it is their dedication to providing the best products and services possible that contributes to their customers’ success.
The Head of Manufacturing, Mario, puts it this way; “In our business, we have to stay up to date with all the latest manufacturing techniques and keep our production facility streamlined to give our customers superior quality, innovative containers at a competitive price. They can then fill those containers with confidence knowing that their customers will safely get the products they paid for in a quality packaging solution.”
Class Plastics is a business to business outfit. Accordingly, management is well aware that they can only grow their business if they are helping to grow the businesses of their clients. This idea has fostered a genuinely symbiotic relationship strategy where Win/Win outcomes with clients are not merely desirable, but mandatory.This has also spawned the motto – Our company is only going places if yours is!
The CEO, Daniel,understands this.“We know that maintaining a successful business to business relationship depends on intricately understanding the needs of our clients. You see, our clients don’t just rely on packaging to contain a liquid. That’s far too one dimensional. They rely on the packaging to communicate a quality and safety message to their clients too. This message is often subliminally more important than the overt message on the label!”
So, if you’re in a business that relies on quality plastic and environmentally friendly containers to maintain your trading reputation, talk to us.
At Class Plastics, we’re not about us – we’re about you.