Jason Newbold used to be a hydroponics farmer, growing Bok Choy and Asian lettuce on a small farm in northern New South Wales.
Farmers would visit to look over the operation and they always admired the crops, saying they looked healthier than their own.
As a result, Jason, his brother, Dan and son, Jack began selling a special blend of liquid fertiliser they had developed, specialising in hydroponic crops – Nimbin Nutrients.
For the past five years, the business, Brisbane Hydroponics, has been operating in Woodridge supplying liquid fertilisers to growers throughout South East Queensland.
After trying a number of different packaging suppliers, Jason has settled on Class Plastics for his plastic drums and buckets. He said the company was always ready and able to supply his order and the location was conveniently just 15 kilometers away at Yatala. Growers seeking plastic containers in their businesses can apply to Class Plastics direct.
“We’re only a small client but it doesn’t matter if you are large or small, buying one pallet or 25, they just treat you properly,” said Jason.
To order your liquid fertiliser contact Jason by telephone on 07 3133 8280 or email Brisbanehydroponics@hotmail.com.
Source: Fuits and Vegetable News, March 2016