Class Plastics is the leading packaging company in Australia and the world, working in true partnership with their customers, suppliers, and among themselves. A key part of their long term strategy is their ongoing commitment to product innovation and better meeting customer existing and future needs
The NEW Anti-Glug Pouring system is one of many innovative products launched in 2015. Class Plastic Directors Mario Nastri and Daniel Carapellotti are very proud to have launched this exciting product to their much awaited consumers wanting more value-added packaging options.
“Our NEW Anti-Glug Pouring system is perfect for the industrial cleaning, agricultural, automatic and food sectors. After researching several different systems from around the world, we rigorously tested and developed the design specifically to Australian standards and requirements”, says Daniel.
“This NEW Anti-glug system not only ensures smooth continuous flow of liquid, but reduces spills and unnecessary waste – a big bonus for our customers especially when safety and workplace hazards are a top concern for our customers”.
For Product Specifications
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